Technicalities of the third shoot imageTechnicalities of the third shoot imageTechnicalities of the third shoot image
Equipment- 1 x tripod, 1 x Canon DSLR 700d camera with canon 18-55mm lens, 1 x backdrop stand with black backdrop and clips, Props, Natural lighting.

Before undertaking my third shoot I had attended a class crit session and also had a 1:1 tutorial with Paul Fieldsend-Danks, during this tutorial I showed him my second series of images from the project and talked about some of the artists, including Gillian Wearing, that had inspired me to create the work that I had. The feedback that I received from this session was that he thought my images were really powerful. He also discussed the importance of images as a narrative and how the audience doesn't actually need to know the artist, instead the images should speak for themselves. He also discussed the use of open ended questions, opening it up to the audience, allowing them to be a part of the project just by the way that you have phrased the question.

He also gave me advice of the use of gaze within in an image (something that I had actually looked at during my dissertation) he told me that if you as the model are to look directly at the camera then this almost has an affect of drawing the audience away, and can cause the audience to feel uncomfortable when looking at the image. Taking away that gaze will encourage individuals to look at the image, and are more likely to connect with the image more than they would if the model was to be looking straight at the camera.

He also gave me some technical pointers including the use of scraps of paper instead of the more regimented A4 pieces of clean white paper that I had been using and to hand write the question on each piece, similar to what Bob Dylan had done in his music video - 'subterranean homesick blues', and the same as Cindy Sherman did in her project 'Signs that say what you want them to say and not signs that say what someone else wants you to say'.

When it came to shooting my third series of images I took on board all of the advice that I had been given and was really pleased with the outcome that I had achieved. I felt that by also cropping the images this added more emphasis and focus to what I was trying to show to my audience.