Equipment used: 1x Manfrotto tripod - stills, 1x Nikon D850 DSLR + battery, 1x Nikon 50mm f1.8 Lens, 1x Flash Gun - Canon Speedlight 430EX III-RT, White backdrop sheet + Stand
Location: The models house
Following on from the first shoot that I carried out, I thought it would be best to work inside for this one, this is one of the reasons why I agreed to work with the model inside of their house. I really enjoyed carrying out this photoshoot. Using the Speedlight lit up my images much more effectively than the Elinchrom Ranger RX lighting kit did, this then allowed me to focus more closely on aspects such as the focus of the images, posing of the model and ultimately making sure that the images were aesthetically pleasing and met with my projects requirements. Some obvious further editing would need to be carried out to these images, but overall I am very pleased with how these images came out.