Mini project task imageMini project task image
On Monday the 27th of April we were set the task to create a Visual mini project, this task required us to find a photographer who has responded to 'isolation', during the current global pandemic or previously. Try making an image/series in response to/inspired by this work . Upload the image/s (with your name) to the attached Google Jam board document so we can look at these this afternoon. It might be useful to include the image that has inspired you, as well as your image.

For this project I carried out my research online, with the theme of reflection. This is when I came across Pol Ubeda Hervas, a photographer from Barcelona. His work was inspired by changes within his life that left him unsure of who is he. In each of his series of images he decided to leave the shoes as a reminder that there was still some personality there.

I was inspired by this image in particular out of his series of images, purely for the fact that it displayed reflection within it. I began finding objects that I could see my reflection within and taking pictures. I decided to use a black and white filter within my images because I felt that it added a certain quality to the images, and helped to display the emotional theme that I was going for within my mini series. I have decided to display my own image next to the artists because this is the image that was the most similar to their own work and was the image that was the most liked when we presented our mini project to our tutors and class.