What first got you into biking?
I used to sit on my dad's bike in the garage and loved putting his helmet on. My mum's side of the family consisted of all my great uncles, Grandaddy etc being bikers. My granddad was in a motorbike group with my grandmother's brothers and cousins, that's how they met and got married. The motorbike gene skipped men in my generation of the family only falling to me and a female cousin, no men. I feel like I'm keeping the family tradition going in a modern way. It presented as a logical step when I needed to think about transportation as driving a car didn't appeal. Love the look and feel of motorbikes, feeling in tune with your engine etc.
What does biking mean to you?
Freedom; when you’re on your bike everything else melts away or is insignificant. Unlike driving a car, riding a bike connects you to the bike itself, like an extension of yourself. Way to connect with my family such as my grandad whom I never met as he died over 50 years ago. It is my independence and ‘my thing’. It makes me who I am, and the fact that apparently I ‘don't fit into what people expect of a biker’ makes me feel unique and feel I am being true to myself
What was it that made you choose the bike you have now?
Was going to do das and get the Kawasaki z650 but decided to get used to the gears. The z125 is very similar to the 650 in body but smaller engine so as I wanted to upgrade eventually this seemed like a good option. The z range are lighter weight than other options and also low seat so can actually touch the floor. Needed light weight as only small so would be flattened by a heavier bike. I like the upright riding position as I don't want to look like a racer or get a bad back either! Wanted her pink as it's me, my favourite colour and shows I'm a proud female biker. 
What judgement have you faced whilst being a biker?
When I've walked into a bike dealership with my husband salespeople have gone to him, expecting him to be the biker. Even when they've been told it was me they've still tended to talk to him more as if he makes the decisions . People have been very surprised that my husband doesn't like or ride bikes as if it doesn't make sense for me to without him doing so too! I've had quite a few people say ‘your husband lets you ride a bike’! I've started to walk into dealerships with confidence after being treated like a proper biker by surepass, they don't see me as inferior for being female. You get the feeling from some bikers that as a woman you shouldn't and can't handle a motorbike and should only be on the back. I've had a lot of other bikers he happy and pleased that I am a biker too so very mixed judgement. People tend to be surprised when I say I ride a motorbike as I'm a girl who loves pink, crochet, sewing, cross stitch and baking, so apparently my hobbies and being a girly girl doesn't ‘fit' with what people expect female bikers to be.